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Keven Baxter
Keven Baxter is lawyer turned storyteller who creates adventures packed with fun and infused with God’s light and hope. His captivating stories inspire readers to live with confidence, courage, and peace of mind. Baxter holds degrees in theology, law, economics, and business administration. He lives with his wife in Southern California and enjoys time outdoors with his daughters and grandsons. Kingdom in the Redwoods is Baxter’s first novel.
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Extended Biography
Sample Interview Topics
- What it means to be made in God’s image
- The Story Behind Kingdom in the Redwoods
- Teaching Through Entertainment
- Raising Children in Today’s Culture
- What it means to be a Christian in Today’s Culture
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you hope young readers will get from Kingdom in the Redwoods?
There is a hero inside every child. I want my books to help kids discover the hero inside. They are made in the image of God who has given them an identity and purpose. He has given them power to change the world and serve others with humility and love.
Why is your name spelled so funny?
“KEVEN” – I didn’t realize my name was odd until I started school. Then, it hit me like a truck. Teachers had sympathy for the slow little kid who couldn’t even spell his name; they gently tried to correct my error. It got so bad that I adopted a slogan with my name at the beginning of each year: “It’s Keven with two ‘E’s.”
My dad gets all the credit, or all the blame, depending on whether you like it. My mom says that while she was bravely recovering from the delivery of her fifth child, my dad handled the paperwork for the birth certificate. He claims it was an honest mistake-I think he had other designs, wanting me to have a name that stands out. He always had a mysterious smirk on his face when the topic came up. It’s a mystery they took to the grave, so I will never know the true story. At least not on this side of heaven.
Why did you give up your law job to write novels for kids?
Two reasons. First, I’m a lawyer so desperate for justice that I create new worlds to find it. I’ve always had a passionate justice streak in me. Unfortunately, our world often fails to deliver justice. But God is perfectly just. Through my stories, I want to connect with people who care about justice and who want to be a force for what is good, beautiful and true in the world. Freedom to express our faith is a fundamental part of being an American. Being human in a just society.
On a more personal level, I wish to pass this legacy on to the next generation. I have been blessed with two wonderful daughters – both treasures from God. Bringing children into this world is amazing and watching my daughter start her own family is beyond amazing. But the world we live in today is challenging for young parents to pass along their faith and values to their children. Christian beliefs and values are criticized, even mocked, by many in our culture. My hope is to write safe, clean fiction novels that captivate and enlighten young readers, empowering them to live out their faith with confidence, courage and peace of mind.